The One-Button Studio

Where you can record high-quality videos with the press of a single button.

What is the One Button Studio?

The One Button Studio (OBS) is a one-stop spot for all of your video recording needs, where all you need is a USB Flash Drive (FAT 32). No matter what you want to make, the OBS has the resources to make it happen. We have the camera, the lights, and chromakey screen--just press the One Button, and let the magic begin.

You can make professional-quality recordings with the press of a button. All it takes is a USB Flash drive, your creativity, and a single button-push.


The One Button Studio has plenty of resources for students, staff and faculty at The College of Wooster to make high-quality recordings and videos. Such as...

  • The eponymous "one button," a USB hub, and a monitor
  • Canon HD Video Camera
  • Chromatte Chromakey Screen
  • LiteRing, for Green/Blue Screen Toggle
  • WhiteBoard and EPSON projector

Whether you want to record yourself giving a presentation, film yourself in front of a green screen, or do an interview, the OBS will let you do so in style.

After you're done, you can take your recording outside to edit your film in iMovie, in the Digital Studio Editing Suite, and make your project shine. We welcome drop-in appointments, and our CoRE Consultants are glad to help make your video the best it can be.